Students learn and discuss information relating to the principles of health and skill- related fitness, exercise, nutrition, stress and consumer management. Students will participate in fitness exercises and skills, including floor exercises and running. Students will learn to develop, evaluate and maintain their own personal exercise program. Students use both the classroom and gymnasium to master these skills. Students will learn and practice the seasonal sports and practice life-long leisure skills.
This course focuses on giving students accurate information on the following topics: mental, emotional, personal, community and consumer health, family living, nutrition, substance use and abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, communicable and non- communicable diseases, safety and first aid. This course is designed to help students improve their quality of life. An emphasis is placed on decision-making skills and cooperative learning. This course is designed to expose every student to activities useful as lifetime recreational pursuits or as a continuing fitness aid. The course consists of the following required units: flag football, softball, physical fitness, track and field, golf and a minimum of one elective team sport.
This course continues the studies activities begun in Health/PE I.