Last Thursday, Jaguar students participated in a day of Clash of Colors and dressed in their grade’s designated color to show their school spirit! Eighth grade dressed in gray, freshman dressed in yellow, sophomores dressed in red, juniors dressed in navy, and seniors dressed in white. Many students’ outfits were an outstanding way to show their Jaguar pride and their excitement during Homecoming week. Team spirit was also shown during the Powderpuff Game which allows senior girls to participate in a football game while being coached by selected senior boys. The white team ended the game in a win against the blue team. The girls were excited to finally take part in a game that many Jaguar students patiently anticipate to participate in. Some senior boys also showed their school spirit by dressing in cheerleading outfits to cheer on the senior girls while other students cheered for their favorite team from the bleachers.
On Thursday night, PJP hosted a Pep Rally to encourage students to celebrate and cheer on their fellow Jaguar athletes and, more generally, to express their school spirit. The volleyball, swim, cross country, and football teams were all recognized for their outstanding dedication and hard work to their sports. Selected students from each grade were also called to participate in games to earn spirit points for their grade level. Seniors, after winning multiple games, stayed in the lead with a total of 325 spirit points. Later that same evening, after cheering on our football team and hearing motivational encouragement from Head Coach Philip Pigott, students sang the Fight Song during the annual PJP bonfire. A special thanks to the Slidell Fire Department for remaining on PJP’s property as a precaution for the safety of our students and to the members of Student Council for planning such an energetic and enjoyable Homecoming week.