8th Grade students are required to earn 20 hours, and 9th-12th grade students are required to earn 30 hours. Please refer to the approved service sites for suggestions, and if you would like to do something that is not on the list, fill out the approval form which can be emailed or turned in to me.
Students may earn hours at Pope John Paul II High School, but it may not account for more than half of their overall required hours.
All students must submit half of their hours by December 6th. Seniors must submit final hours by April 16th, and 8th-11th grade students must submit their hours by May 9th.
Students who fail to complete their hours by the above deadlines will receive a 0 for a test grade in the second and fourth quarters, respectively. Those students who submit partial hours will receive a grade that reflects that amount. Students will write a service hour reflection on their final exam to allow students to think about how their service has affected their community and themselves.
Service hours are tracked through MobileServe - a digital platform that allows students to log hours. Students must obtain the service site director’s name and email for verification. Directions on how to set up their account will be given during the first week of school.
Approved Service Hour Locations- Church
Approved Service Hour Locations - Community
PJP Service Site Approval Form
How to Log In
1. You may use either a web browser or download the app on your phone.
2. Click the Gmail icon (if you try to login directly through MobileServe it will not allow you in).
3. Login with your PJP email address and password.
How to Enter Hours
How to Find Service Projects
All known service opportunities will be posted to MobileServe in the Events tab. You may use this to check for upcoming events and to RSVP. Be sure to have notifications turned on to receive updates on new events.